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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Satire Example #5

Tv Show
This Video uses parody to satirize how stupid they act in the music video.

Satire Example #4

Internet Commercial
This video satirizes the effects of their product Oral Spray Cold Blaster that will protect you from a cold and saying that it can prevent a cold in any condition. The video uses exaggeration.

Satire Example #3
This video satirizes Jesus and instead of coming back to save mankind he comes back seeking revenge. The video uses parody.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Satire Example #2

Comic Strip
This comic satirizes how people verbally abuse others. the illustrator uses exaggeration.

Satire Example #1

Comic strip

This comic satirizes how our society’s way of thinking saying that we can think out of the box but we choose not to. It uses exaggeration.